11th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science

CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer science. It is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009), Winchester (UK, 2011), Warsaw (Poland, 2013), Nijmegen (The Netherlands, 2015), Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2017), London (United Kingdom, 2019), Salzburg (Austria, 2021), Bloomington (USA, 2023).

Important Dates

All dates are Anywhere on Earth.

Invited Speakers


Programme Committee

Publicity Chair